Risk Consulting Services

Risk Facilitation Service [PRSIS1]
Team based risk assessment is an effective way to capture and assess risks in order to produce risk profiles. Unfortunately some risk assessment activities are poorly lead or facilitated and are below standard causing them to be ineffective. High quality risk facilitation is essential to ensure the best possible outcomes from time consuming team-based risk workshops.

Risk Systems Development Service [PRSIS2]
Risks systems development can be undertaken in any area including: HSE, Business, Project, SWRM (site wide) or EWRM (enterprise wide) risk management. For examples of the types of services we provide opened the attached Service Information Sheet (PRSIS2).

Pythagorisk Risk Software[PRSIS4]
Pythagorisk Pty Ltd have developed a range of Risk Software programs, which are available for customizing, licensing and/or sale
Pythagorisk® Business Risk Register –Criteria Guide.
Pythagorisk® Business Risk Register –Procedure Template.
Pythagorisk® Business Risk Management System Series.
Pythagorisk® Hazard Risk Register Series.
Pythagorisk® Hazard Risk Management System Series.
Pythagorisk® Project Risk Register Series.