About Us
Pythagorisk Pty Ltd
Pythagorisk Pty Ltd (PRPL) was incorporated on 1st July 2012, prior to that it operated as the risk arm of TNL Consultants Pty Ltd for ten or so years. This 21st century company has a customer intimate culture with a motto of ‘no holding back’. We at PRPL enjoy diversity of assignments and view customer relationships and our staff as our most valuable assets. We understand that integrity, win-win relationships and continuous learning are key to sustainable customer satisfaction and hence business success.
The Pythagorisk® trade mark is owned by TNL Consultants Pty Ltd and is currently being transferred to Pythagorisk Pty Ltd . The trade mark has been registered as a Trade Mark No. 909342 in the Register of Trade Marks [Commonwealth of Australia Trade Marks Office] for a further period of ten years commencing 12 April 2012.
Our founder
Trevor Neil Little is the founder and managing director of Pythagorisk Pty Ltd and is the principal operator of the business. Trevor has a diverse background in mining engineering, blasting engineeering and geotechnical engineering and was a former Head of the Department of Mining Engineering & Mine Surveying at WASM, Curtin University of Technology. Trevor has over 18 years experience in education and training and currently lectures to final year BEng students, in Mining Legislation and OHS, at the University of Western Australia. Since 1998 he has been specialising in all aspects of risk and has developed a number of innovative risk tools and services. Trevor is in demand as a high quality trainer, facilitator and consultant. Trevor also has qualifications in auditing, safety, management, mediation and arbitration.
Our values
Continuous learning: improvement, transfer and leverage our learning
Do no harm: in all our dealings with people
Integrity: we practice what we preach, and do what we say we will do
Risk savvy culture: use risk informed decision making
Win-win relationships: with all our clients and other stakeholders
Our people
Our people are our most valuable assets. We all enjoy flexibility in our work arrangements and are all highly dedicated to continuous learning and customer satisfaction.