Training & Development Services

Applicable Legislation Exam Prep Course

Pythagorisk Pty Ltd (PRPL) are pleased to offer face to face Applicable Legislation Examination Preparation Courses. The outcome of this training is that all attendees will be well prepared for the DEMIRS / WORKSAFE examinations. During the course attendees will be exposed to other learners’ navigation strategies enabling them to improve their own approach. Learners will develop an understanding of the context of the legislation and the examination and suggested content knowledge relevant to their Statutory Position.

The Applicable Legislation Examination Preparation Course program includes:
• Day 1 – Face to face awareness training on WHS Act 2020 and WHS(Mines)R 2022
• Day 2 – Focuses on strategies for navigation, comprehension, and attention to detail; skills necessary to pass their open-book Applicable Legislation Exam


Coaching Services [PTSIS4]

Pythagorisk have staff who are successful at coaching. Coaching is essentially a conversation about learning / change and involves asking the right questions.  We offer coaching services in the following areas: career coaching, business coaching, leadership coaching and examination coaching.

Train the Risk Facilitator Services [PTSIS5]

Pythagorisk Pty Ltd has developed training programs aimed at developing group facilitation in a risk context. These are generally delivered in-house and can range from 1-3 days.

Train the JHA Facilitator

Risk Facilitation Skills Development Training Workshop

Train the Risk Facilitator – Knowledge and Skills Development Training Workshop

Risk Communication in the Workplace Training [PTSIS6]

Pythagorisk Pty Ltd have developed a two-day Risk Communication in the Workplace Short Course. The course will be delivered to the public, and can also be delivered at client sites. Customisation for a particular site is also possible.

Topic 1  Introduction and Overview – From risk to risk communication, risk perspectives, risk communication for companies, barriers to implementation.
Topic 2  Risk Communication Foundations – Foundations, quality of relationships, information design, shaping the dialogue.
Topic 3  Risk Communication Progress – Context, goals & objectives, risk arenas, stakeholder perspectives, participation stances, the strategy, doing It, evaluation and continuous improvement.
Topic 4  Advanced Topics – Crisis communication, historical development, relationship to risk management, other workplace communication and approaches.


Establish and Maintain the Risk Management System Training [PTSIS7]

This course addresses the establishment, support and implementation of risk management systems. The aim to provide tools and knowledge so attendees can demonstrate competency by completing a preliminary Principal Hazard Management Plan or similar project.

What does it cover:

  •  Element 1 Establish the risk management system (RMS).
  •  Element 2 Establish processes to support RMS.
  • Element 3 Implement the RMS.
  • Element 4 Audit the management processes.
  • Element 5 Completion of records and reports. Appendices include:

Who should attend:

This unit has been designed for senior site managers and other specialists; Registered mine managers (RMs) Alternate RMs, and Deputy RMs; QMs, and holders of the Diploma of Surface Operations Management.

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