Data Analysis and Modelling Service [PMSIS1]
Pythagorisk Pty Ltd offers a data analysis and modelling service to clients who want to extract the most useful and relevant information from their existing databases. Benefits: Getting the most …
Pythagorisk Pty Ltd offers a data analysis and modelling service to clients who want to extract the most useful and relevant information from their existing databases. Benefits: Getting the most …
Team based risk assessment is an effective way to capture and assess risks in order to produce risk profiles. Unfortunately some risk assessment activities are poorly lead or facilitated and …
Risks systems development can be undertaken in any area including: HSE, Business, Project, SWRM (site wide) or EWRM (enterprise wide) risk management. For examples of the types of services we …
Pythagorisk Pty Ltd have developed a range of Risk Software programs, which are available for customizing, licensing and/or sale Pythagorisk® Business Risk Register –Criteria Guide. Pythagorisk® Business Risk Register –Procedure …
Audit Service Pythagorisk Pty Ltd provides audit services for all HIF audit protocols; WHS and MSIA legislation and technical audits (geotechnical, drill & blast, and vehicle interaction). Audit templates can …
Pythagorisk Pty Ltd (PRPL) are pleased to offer face to face Applicable Legislation Examination Preparation Courses. The outcome of this training is that all attendees will be well prepared for …
Pythagorisk have staff who are successful at coaching. Coaching is essentially a conversation about learning / change and involves asking the right questions. We offer coaching services in the following areas: …
Pythagorisk Pty Ltd has developed training programs aimed at developing group facilitation in a risk context. These are generally delivered in-house and can range from 1-3 days. Train the JHA …
Pythagorisk Pty Ltd have developed a two-day Risk Communication in the Workplace Short Course. The course will be delivered to the public, and can also be delivered at client sites. …
This course addresses the establishment, support and implementation of risk management systems. The aim to provide tools and knowledge so attendees can demonstrate competency by completing a preliminary Principal Hazard …