Data Analysis and Modelling Service [PMSIS1]

Pythagorisk Pty Ltd offers a data analysis and modelling service to clients who want to extract the most useful and relevant information from their existing databases. Benefits: Getting the most …

Risk Facilitation Service [PRSIS1]

Team based risk assessment is an effective way to capture and assess risks in order to produce risk profiles.  Unfortunately some risk assessment activities are poorly lead or facilitated and …

Risk Systems Development Service [PRSIS2]

Risks systems development can be undertaken in any area including: HSE, Business, Project, SWRM (site wide) or EWRM (enterprise wide) risk management. For examples of the types of services we …

Pythagorisk Risk Software[PRSIS4]

Pythagorisk Pty Ltd have developed a range of Risk Software programs, which are available for customizing, licensing and/or sale Pythagorisk® Business Risk Register –Criteria Guide. Pythagorisk® Business Risk Register –Procedure …

Audit Service [PMSIS2]

Audit Service Pythagorisk Pty Ltd provides audit services for all HIF audit protocols; WHS and MSIA legislation and technical audits (geotechnical, drill & blast, and vehicle interaction). Audit templates can …

Applicable Legislation Exam Prep Course

Pythagorisk Pty Ltd (PRPL) are pleased to offer face to face Applicable Legislation Examination Preparation Courses. The outcome of this training is that all attendees will be well prepared for …

Coaching Services [PTSIS4]

Pythagorisk have staff who are successful at coaching. Coaching is essentially a conversation about learning / change and involves asking the right questions.  We offer coaching services in the following areas: …

Train the Risk Facilitator Services [PTSIS5]

Pythagorisk Pty Ltd has developed training programs aimed at developing group facilitation in a risk context. These are generally delivered in-house and can range from 1-3 days. Train the JHA …